Worship Q & A

Seeking God, Sharing Christ, Serving Others

What time is the worship service?

Worship begins at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings.  Please feel free to come early enough to find a seat, gather your communion elements, bulletin, and prayer list. Most people arrive around 10:20 am. 

How long does a worship service last at Eastgate?

Most of our services are slightly longer than 1 hour.  Sometimes they are a little shorter, every once in a while a little longer.

What should I wear?

Whatever you are comfortable wearing.  Some people wear suits and dresses; some wear business casual; some wear jeans (or in the summer, shorts).  In the past year, our senior minister has led worship in everything from a dress to more business casual tops and pants, and comfortable shoes.  We hope you won't worry about it too much -- people at Eastgate are more interested in seeing you than in what you're wearing.

What about kids?

At Eastgate, we love to share the love of God with children. We have bags to borrow which help children in worship. These bags include a variety of items.  You are welcome to also bring items to help them in whatever ways needed. We currently do not have a paid nursery attendant for children age 2 and under, so we depend on our volunteers.  The nursery has a speaker so the service can be heard from there if you prefer to stay with your very young child.  We encourage preschoolers and young children to stay in worship with their family and participate in the "Children's Moment" during worship lead by our senior minister. 

What is "Children's Moment"?

This is a time in the worship service when children (typically 3 yr to 5th grade) are invited to come forward to hear a special story or lesson.  There is no age limit on who can come during this time.  Often parents or grandparents will join small children.

What if my kids squirm or cry?

At Eastgate, you're surrounded by parents, grand-parents, and great-grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other loving adults -- which is to say, we've all been around kids.  Don't worry or be embarrassed.  Fidgeting won't distract us and our minister welcomes their energy.  If a child gets too fussy and it bothers you, feel free to take a walk down the hall or to the bathroom at any time and return when you are ready.

What are the sermons like?

The sermons are an exploration of God's wisdom, recorded in the Bible, and how it can guide our lives today.  They are practical and engaging.  If you want a taste, you can find our past sermons on the Online Worship Services page.

What is the music like?

Most people would describe the music as traditional, but it is not stuffy.  Most congregational songs are accompanied by piano or organ.  In most services, there is special music by the Choir or Bell Choir (pre-pandemic).

Will there be communion?

Yes, we celebrate the Lord's Supper in all of our worship services! You do not have to be a member of Eastgate or of our denomination -- The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in order to participate.  We believe that it is Jesus' table, so we simply extend his invitation to all followers. 

Will there be an monetary offering?

Yes.  We believe that we are called to respond to God in a variety of ways, such as giving financially, our time, our passions, and our prayers.  We celebrate these opportunities in worship each week.